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Delta (Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)


The Delta is an advanced qualification for teachers of english as a foreign language provided by Cambridge English Language Assessment (a branch of the University of Cambridge).  It is placed at level 7 of the UK government's Qualification and Credit Framework (the equivalent of a Master's degree).  It is comprised of three modules:

  • Module One: Understanding language, methodology and resources for teaching (assessed by a three-hour written exam).

  • Module Two: Developing professional practice (assessed through coursework including observed lessons)

  • Module Three: Extending practice and ELT specialism (assessed by a 5,000-word assignment in which candidates design a course)


I currently work as an examiner for Module One, an external assessor for Module Two, and a team leader of examiners for Module Three.


I have been working as a main course tutor in the UK, Brazil and online since 2003.

CELTA (Certificate in Language Teaching to Adults)


The CELTA is an initial teaching qualification for teachers of English as a Foreign Language, also provided by Cambridge English Language Assessment. It involves practical input sessions and six hours' observed teaching practice.


I have been a main course tutor (MCT) since 2002.


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